Winning Casino Systems Baccarat 1

Baccarat Strategy Video Source & Information:

Winning systems, Winning at the casino,
Casino Amigo’s winning casino Tip and Tricks.
I use Craig,s baccarat Simulator
You can get a hold of Craig at

Source: YouTube

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Winning Casino Systems Baccarat 1

7 thoughts on “Winning Casino Systems Baccarat 1

  1. It looks very promising!Thank you so much about your effort!Best regards from Greece!!!

  2. Ohla Amigo, I am not sure if your simulator can be set up to test flat betting rather than Martingale but if it can then how does this pattern do with Flat betting? Also how does your BBP pattern do with flat betting?

  3. Hi, this system Fred supplied is actually a system from Jason Sample, it is played BPPBB win one unit and move on to a new line of PBBPP win one unit and revert back to BPPBB, and so on, Jason flat bets but a progression works as well.

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