How To Transition from Live to Online Poker

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Live poker is dead!

Awful words to write but for now sadly true… Live poker in card rooms or casinos is off the table!

This is a strange reality indeed – but it is ‘the hand we’ve been dealt’.

And so online is the only game in town…

But what do you do if you’ve never played online poker and always played live?

OR you’ve tried online poker and haven’t got the results you do live then this isn’t good news!

Online poker is very different to live. It’s a different environment, different speed of game and often has a different style of play.

If you’re not used to it it can feel alien and you can’t just repeat what you do in live rooms and expect to win as it’s a very different game.

So how do you adjust and become a winning online player?

In this video, I’ll give you 6 things you need to focus on and be aware of if you want to do well on line especially if you usually play only live poker.

The video will help you out if you don’t do well online or are new to it or just in need of a refresher.

Because of the world wide quarantine there is a boom in online poker right now so there’s a great opportunity for you… but only if you adapt your game.

In this video, I’ll show you what to focus on and how to crack it so you get the results you want

Have fun and stay safe!

Click here to claim your FREE tournament report so you can CRUSH the beginning of tournaments.

Source: YouTube

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How To Transition from Live to Online Poker

7 thoughts on “How To Transition from Live to Online Poker

  1. hi, can you make a video about side games like online casino in major poker sites
    i've been struggling winning at poker because of betting at online casino thanks

  2. I was looking at my hair in the mirror yesterday thinking "I wonder how Nick's bouffant is doing". And boom! there is my answer. I think you should let your flowing locks flow. Blame the lockdown. But in reality run your fingers through that soft smooth mop thinking "my god I'm y"

  3. Thanks for watching ‘How To Transition from Live to Online Poker’, please leave a comment or question below. Thanks, Nick

  4. I have been playing with fake money. It is the wild west that way. I might dip my toe in the small stakes games. I'm a truck driver so I don't have that much time to play. Enjoyed unwinding with your video.

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