Roulette Strategy Video Information:
High Probability Roulette: It’s Time to Start Winning
46 spins; 17 minutes (video speed changed to 2X); +206 units
Second play video of the High Probability Roulette strategy ( in action. Shows just how effective probability and standard deviation can be in beating roulette.
Software used was Roulette Xtreme with real spins downloaded from actual tables in Germany. File name can be seen at the bottom of the Roulette Xtreme video, so you can download and verify the table spins for yourself.
Note: In future videos, I will use an online casino or other random number generated standalone roulette software as I realized that I could cheat this test if I wanted to. I didn’t, but I easily could, so that doesn’t make for a proper test. New videos will reflect more stringent testing conditions and be better proof of the working system.
Source: YouTube