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►►► Keep learning with me over at CLP! Use the code YTA400 to get the first 30 days for free. In this hand we play a 4 bet pot vs a fish who donks into us on the flop and puts us in a tough spot on the river when he shoves. Bart and the caller discuss if we should call the river or not.
Source: YouTube
New hair and a blue shirt?!? This is too much for me to handle.
When I have AA I play them super aggressively right away going for all in early position rather than letting my opponent see cards even if it's only a small take, in the past I used to play them out semi aggressive and got burned too many times ,
I like to go all in on flop to get him off of a random draw like AQ or if he calls he's all in with a gut shot plus it's only 400 more. Is it better just to call there for value? If he has a set you're probably not folding anyways.
Really Bad Analysis, and this hand was badly played. No regard for Stack to Pot Ratio here. HELLO?! THIS IS A DONK STATION YOUR UP AGAINST. AA is a monster against him, no matter what the board is, because he is playing everything and anything. I wanted to Puke, when Bart said, "What's the point of Betting" on the turn. How about extracting value Bart, and preventing a horrible suck out, like the one who cost your caller a big pot. Seriously guys, Bad Bad Bad. We Bet in Poker with hands like Aces Up, for Value, because 8 out of 10x, the hand is the best, not to MENTION, your 100% committed to the hand! You need to aquire some MUSCLE, or just quit Poker!
Barts analysis is 100% solid.
Many of the comments are influenced by the random outcome of the hand.
If the river was a blank and he jammed and we called and won those comments would be here.
Thanks for the call in Ray Romano.
Flop shove. If he just catches Trip Kings then that just bad but if he didn't, the only other thing that really calls is Trip Jacks or AK. No way he continues with AQ if you snap shove the flop or turn on AQ…if he has AK OR KK of course he's never folding and that bad but that's how you don't get river'd on a board like this. It could look bluffy but it's too expensive to find out if you're wrong so he'll fold his draw if he's wise.
I think Gene played the hand fine except for not finding the fold button at the end. But the turn is definitely a check back.. Bart
The 2nd K on the turn kills our action. I like the check behind on the turn, but not the call on the river.
This is a really simple hand, which Hero messed up. With a stack to pot ratio of just over 1 and facing a donk bet on the flop its completely mandatory to just get it in. There is no reason to slowplay. If he have any sort of equity, he is going with his hand, and good luck to him, since we have aces.