Poker Betting Tips: Bet-Sizing Strategy, Bet Types, Preflop Moves and Equity Calculations–Part 2

Texas Holdem Tips Video Source & Information:

Bet types and bet sizing is fundamental knowledge of all advanced no-limit and pot-limit Texas Holdem players. Get the bet-sizing and equities calculator now at

Using this Winner In A Week betting calculator, I continue the explanation of the math behind recommended preflop bet sizes with respect to your goals with any given move. I also take a detailed look at the equity needed to make the respective calls as well as the fold equity you need when making the preflop move as a pure bluff.

You’ll find other poker betting tools, key stats and calculators for preflop and postflop play in no-limit, pot-limit and fixed-limit games at

Source: YouTube

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Poker Betting Tips: Bet-Sizing Strategy, Bet Types, Preflop Moves and Equity Calculations–Part 2

1 thought on “Poker Betting Tips: Bet-Sizing Strategy, Bet Types, Preflop Moves and Equity Calculations–Part 2

  1. Wow, theres some interesting stuff in these videos, thanks for posting.  May I ask what program you are using?? Is it just a customised Excel program??

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