Learn how to play soccer – Roulette turn panna combo – Football futbol fussball Soccer skills

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Please watch my channel for more skills youtube.com/strskillschool

This skill is an alternative to using the McGeady/Frank Ribery Spin

Due to my recovery i couldn’t perform this move as fast as I would like. But the tutorial shows you how it is done. Please increase speed if you need to.
Learn how to play soccer – Roulette turn panna combo – Football futbol fussball Soccer skills
drag ball back by putting your foot on top of the ball and rolling it backwards.

Transfer your body weight to the foot you have just touched the ball with and turn, dragging the ball back with the other foot.

using the same foot as in step 2, push the ball with the outside of the foot.

After any turn, make sure you sprint away from the defender.

Keep practicing


Source: YouTube

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Learn how to play soccer – Roulette turn panna combo – Football futbol fussball Soccer skills

10 thoughts on “Learn how to play soccer – Roulette turn panna combo – Football futbol fussball Soccer skills

  1. can you help me ? if i do this 2 or more times i start to feel dizzy, is there a way to avoid this, some exercise maybe ?

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