8 thoughts on “Baccarat Chi Wining Strategy !! THIS ONE WAS HARD !!

  1. I would highly suggest you dont go with the trend till 3 in a row. There are usually alot of 2 patterns. I know you catch it earlier but you also usually lose it twice as often. Its been working for me. Keep up the great videos.

  2. Good video Chi, Just imagine if this was live, you might need a stop limit as you might be on there hours and would have been with this game, what you think?

  3. U r definitely enjoying it haha.
    Wats yr bankroll per session anyway. I mean real money sessions

  4. Hey Mr , gad to hear that Google chrome solved the issue, it took me few chats with casino's to find out that was the issue πŸ™‚
    Now…you know I am your fan and your success will be mine too , so I have to say few things πŸ™‚
    Pattern of two is called "terrible two's" because they kill many systems, including your beautiful Chi1 Chi 2 sytem.
    We know that in bac , singles are most common, two's are next. In my experience in avarage you have at least 5-9 two's in a shoe somethimes 10-20. I know one person who plays only two's flat bet and if he is behind in one shoe he raises flat bet for one unit and so on and he actually makes money for years. Some people bet only on two's and three's because they are most common and some go up to 4. We know that in very bad shoe you might have 4-6 patterns of 4 , which is a lot less than two's and three's, so I truly believe going back to 4 is better, because if you do get long streaks it will go past 4 and you will still catch some wins . If not go back to 3 :).
    Just my humble opinion. And hurry up and make perefect system so we can all make money lol

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