Learn Baccarat Video Source & Info:
Testing out the 2nd BANKER Strategy using real cards. This is how it works:
1. Look for a PLAYER streak of 2 or more to occur.
2. Wait until the PLAYER streak is broken by the first BANKER.
3. Keep betting BANKER until 2nd BANKER hits.
Optional: Setting a stop-loss is recommended. In this video, I set it at 5 losses in a row. Also, use any betting sequence of your choice. I used the +1/-1.
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Source: YouTube

Of course it’s a player dominant shoe
This is cool
You loose a lot of money it was a player shoe
why not 2nd player strategy?
Starting at $300 I would be up to $430 after the shoe… thats close to a 50% profit… did I get lucky? maybe …
Can I reverse it instead? Reason is because in an Australian casino if the banker wins on 6 you only win half of your original bet. So this could negate my winnings.
9player u how to play???
i love this strategy. i win 120 using this system. thanks
I have won 26 rounds and lose 14 rounds over 61 rounds. 65% winning percentage out of 40 bets. I called my strategy a "statistic pattern". Most of the time, when I'm using this strat I'm winning money from $40 as my starting money to $240 a day. Once I have reached $200, then I'm good and go straight home lol
Thank you sooo much brother