DAY 11 | Real Cards Baccarat | Sometimes it’s just not your day..

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DAY 11 | Real Cards Baccarat | Sometimes it’s just not your day..

10 thoughts on “DAY 11 | Real Cards Baccarat | Sometimes it’s just not your day..

  1. Omg…bro…i just think today loss…u play so different from past 10days, if only u keep it to the same way, i think today will still be positive. First of all, i think ur HA system does not suit ur bet spread method… the negative progression only comes after 4 losses…which drag u too far for recovery… 2ndly, dont waste time for the tie & pairs… long run is a losing investment… i hope u will continue playing the same way… and i am confident if u do by end of the challenge, result will yield very great positive bankroll… keep it up bro!๐Ÿ˜Ž

  2. Bro
    This is the day what I waiting for. I so glad we win today on our attitude and plan. Is the greatest win among 11 days. Just like a business, not all business get profit.

  3. Good News. I ran this shoe with the 89 special. After getting deep into level 2 it came back to even. Personally I would have stopped. If You kept going and started over at $25 u would have dropped 6 units However u shuffled and new shoe won 4 units.

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