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You can look anywhere on the internet and get the math from the professionals who say that long-term math doesn’t allow anyone to long-term win. They are correct but you don’t play long term you look for short-term opportunity. None of those experts play nor are they a member of our player’s’ club, most of them convinced themselves that there is no way to win. They could not be further from the truth. The reality of what happens in a random simulation is not what happens in a real-life environment.
#baccarat #baccaratsystem #beatthecasino
Source: YouTube

I like the way you explain it
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seurious keep watchin ur video still doesn't know how to beat the bacarat keep losin
The difference between winning and losing…..by Nick Saban, Head Coach of Alabama "The process, loving the process, loving the daily grind of it, and putting the puzzle together. This generation seems to be really concerned with the end result of things versus understanding, appreciating the journey to get there – which is the most important – and the trials and tribulations that come with it. You have successes, you have failures, but it's all part of the end game.
"What I see a lot of times from young players is they'll try, they'll push, and all of a sudden, they get hit with some adversity. 'Nah, let me do something else,' instead of staying with it. Just stay with it. A lot of guys give up on it because it's not happening now. Everybody wants to be the best, but not everybody wants to do what the best does. You've heard that one before. That's the challenge. But that's what I love about the process of being a coach."
Takes 55 minutes to explain something that can be done in 2minutes…
Can you make a video on how to use the other 3 roads. Seen many videos ,but no one seems to know much about it