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Free Baccarat System + Money Management
Hey everyone, this is a more steady way to play Bank Robber and it is called Casino Heist. Included with this one is my attempt to show you how I would do money management using the 1, 2 punch. Hopefully you enjoy it. I messed up a bit confusing myself but you should be fine grasping the concept.
Huge shout out to @bfxbaccarat for helping promoting this small little channel. I am beyond blown away what he has done for me. Make sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe to both our channels so you get the best of both worlds.
As always if you would like to learn my card counting you can email me
Email: thebaccaratfather@gmail.com
Subscribe Here: https://youtube.com/@thebaccaratfather
This youtube channel is for entertainment purposes only and wont be held responsible for any losses that may occur
Photo by Victoria Rain: https://www.pexels.com/photo/confident-young-female-illusionist-with-french-suited-playing-cards-and-face-mask-6305898/
#baccarat #advantage #casino
Source: YouTube