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We just finished The new Platinum Craps & Dice Setting book and video on Dice setting for the Do, Don’t and the Advanced sets for the ATS, Repeater, and Fire Bets. The printer is sending us 150 VIP Books by air for our Youtube and Face book customers. The 150 VIP books will sent in our office Oct 7 and are taking advanced orders. These VIP books are only for our Youtube & Face book customers. The balance of the books will be shipped Nov. 1 to Las Vegas. (We can ship out The SUPER SYSTEM and then ship the New book/video/ or flashdrive when it arrives.) You will receive ONE FREE DICE SETTING STRATEGY CARDS WITH YOUR VIP BOOK ORDER AND 5 FREE CARDS WITH THE BOOK/VIDEO OR FLASHDRIVE ORDER. The Book & video is only $69.95 ( Book only $30 plus s & h) You may order the complete Platinum Craps & Dice Setting SUPER System. That adds the 300-page, Beginner & Intermediate book or the 600- page Advanced & Super book with over 4 hours of instructions on DVD or Flashdrive. The Platinum Craps “Super -system” is only $159.95 for the 300-page book and 4 hours of classes or $179.95 for the 600- page Advanced & Super book and classes, PLUS the new Platinum Craps book & video. Call to order 702-487-5223. Text 702-772-6011. We take all credit cards and Paypal. Good luck at the tables, Garrison P.S. The Web Page is being built and is NOT OPEN yet. Just call our office and we can talk. Don’t forget to subscribe and join our Craps group on Facebook at Garrison Russell & click on the photo of the book. Good Luck at the tables, Garrison P.S The video is now available on DVD OR FLASHDRIVE. CALL NOWTO PLACE YOU ADVANCED ODER. ( 702-487-5223)
Source: YouTube

Not an active website it seems. Just domain name on godaddy
The Web page is being built and is not open yet. Just call our office at 702-487-5223 or text us at 702-772-6011 to place your advanced order.
( click on above where it says show more) We have 150 VIP books & videos coming into Las Vegas by air on Oct 7. We are taking advanced orders for the book/video and can still ship you the Platinum Craps Super System that adds John Patrick's Basic and Intermediate or John's Advanced Craps & Super book along with over 4 hours instruction on how to play craps for the beginner to the professional level. The new Platinum Craps & Dice setting book is only $30.00 and the book and video for Do, Don't & Advanced dice sets are only $69.95. This will place you in the top 5% of all players in the casino. This is how we play and teach in Las Vegas. We will mail & bill you only after we mail you the Platinum Craps book and dice setting video when they arrive in October. ( You save over $50 when you buy the full Super System) As a special bonus you will receive one FREE dice setting strategy card with the book/video and five FREE dice setting strategy cards with Super System. ( So far we have 21 advanced orders for the Platinum Craps & Dice setting book & video) We ship out to the 2-3 day Priority Mail . To place your VIP advanced order call 702-487-5223 or text 702-772-6011 and get put on the VIP list. We need your name, address and credit card number. Good Luck at the tables. Garrison.