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Today we have our final hand we’ll be covering from the High Stakes Duel III Round 2 between Phil Hellmuth and Tom Dwan.
These players battled it out in an excellent match and I’m looking forward to watching the rematch – who do you think will win?
In this spot, Hellmuth is up to his old tricks and tries putting some serious pressure on Dwan! Dwan has all the blockers in the world, but does that mean he should fold as Hellmuth keeps firing?
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#JonathanLittle #PokerCoaching #HighStakesDuel
Source: YouTube

What would YOU do with 7♠ 7♥ on the flop?
Your Stack (BB): 103,800
Their Stack (BTN): 86,200
Pot: 10,000
Board: 9♠ 5♠ 2♥
A) Check
B) Bet … ?
I would check call the flop. I don't have much of a leading range.
Jon! I have a quick question. Your GTO cash game 6-max chart on your website suggest that BTN facing RFI from any position is relatively tight with KJo as the bottom of our range. Is this just because the charts are designed for tough competition? Or is that generally a good play regardless how tough our opponents are? Thanks! I’m grinding .2/.5 online right now if that’s important
I'm sure Matt Affleck is a superbly skilled and knowledgeable poker player, but he'll always be the guy that cried to me.
I think it's a good idea to lead on this flop. Leading will help figure out where you are at… (leading denies Phil equity with over cards correct?) Yeah I'd lead vs MOST. unless there just a maniac
Lead is wrong term btw when there is preflop aggressor preflop. Correct term would be donk bet at least in my poker terminology. If it was limped pre it would be lead though. And no I would not bet flop anyway 🙂
If betting turn I would like to blast river and shove. I think its really tough for 9x to call. Nice thing in using A5 is to block some two pairs with the 5.
Flop donk bet in HU is probably kind of messy thing because both players ranges are super wide. While not 3betting caps range somewhat there is not huge edges in most flops to either direction as premium holding in uncapped range are still such small portion of whole range.
Check call
Check. I'm not overly concerned with Phils possible hands and giving Phil pot control is part of that. 2.5 raise pre-flop is standard so that also doesnt present any monsters. I might , might think of a check raise move but I would prefer to get the turn card (to better assess options) without too much fuss
Loved that you hid hellmuths hand on this one!! I think once dwann calls flop and turn our pair isn't good very often