How to Identify a Baccarat Scammer, Fraudster, Liar, Troll or Delusional Bragger

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If you are interesting in gambling topics, you run into these folks all the time on message boards, Facebook, in YouTube comments and elsewhere on Social Media. The question is if there is a simple test to know whether someone has a potentially valid way to beat the game of baccarat, or if they are more likely a scammer, fraudster, liar, troll or delusional bragger.

The answer is “yes” — there is a very simple test that will let you know exactly who you are dealing with. In this video, I give away the answer. And, it’s a one word answer. One simple word will make all the difference in your deciding whether a method may work or if it is yet another destined for the massive trash heap of failed baccarat-systems.

If you want to know how to deal with these “systems” people wherever and whenever you meet them, this video will give you the tools to drive the conversation towards the right information to know whether the person has a winning method, or, much more likely, that they are a scammer, fraudster, liar, troll or delusional bragger.


Source: YouTube

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How to Identify a Baccarat Scammer, Fraudster, Liar, Troll or Delusional Bragger