Making Money Baccarat With T & T

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How to Make Money Baccarat, Improved D’Alembert

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Making Money Baccarat With T & T

10 thoughts on “Making Money Baccarat With T & T

  1. I used to like the terrible twos til i got caught twice in same shoe. Now i like the player everyother collumn and i use the debbie system as a secondary system if theres 3 in a row the same ill start betting opposite. I still like the grand marty where u recoup loss n make a profit. Just know u gotta get a few bankrolls before u can start to withdrawl. Thanks i learned alot from this channel

  2. Wilson this system does not work on live dealer play. I played 20 live dealer shoes and lost on 12 of them and loss my whole bankroll. The Wizard of Odds simulator you use is different from live play. I challange you to do do live play for 10 days and show on your channel. This system will bust you playing it this way. Your 6 players in a row is also a pure luck system. I have busted severl times with it.

  3. "No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist." —Anonymous

  4. "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." —Herman Melville

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  6. Hi. Love your content. Would you be interested in advertising partnership?

  7. Fibonacci series works great. I drop the first "1".
    1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 x unit

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