Learn Baccarat Video Source & Info:
The Wizard interviews Shawn Wasacase about his game No Point Craps by King Dice Gaming.
In retrospect, I don’t think I conveyed the gist of the game well in this video. The two main bets are the High Line and Low Line. Here are the rules of the High Line:
1. If first roll is a 7 or 11, the player loses.
2. If the first roll is a 2, 3, or 12, the player wins.
3. Otherwise, the dice are rolled again.
4. If the second roll is a 7, lower, or equal to the first roll, the player loses.
5. Otherwise, the player wins, according to the total on the second throw, as follows:
Total of 12 pays 5 to 1
Total of 11 pays 4 to 1
Total of 10 pays 3 to 1
All other wins pay 1 to 1.
The Low Line is the mirror image the other way, winning if the second roll is lower than the first.
Both wagers have a house edge of 1.70 %.
Then there are a host of proposition bets based on the next throw. Finally, there is a bet called the Speedway, which wasn’t covered in the video, and is too involved to explain here in the video comments.
Wizard of Odds : https://wizardofodds.com/
Source: YouTube

So its like sic bo with 2 dice
I shoot craps and I have no idea what was going on there. I hope that never replaces craps!🤮
Apologies to the inventor but this game bad
Hope he hasn’t invested a lot of money into this idea? He Should have just released a mobile phone app for the game and saved the money touring.
A hard HELL 2 DA NAW!
Yeah not impressed. Back to the drawing board
Mike's not impressed (me neither), but always so polite and patient bless him 😀 He usually comments on the games, but I guess this one's so bad he was like: thank you, bye
I just slapped myself for watching this. No thank you.