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Professional Gambler Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies Make $700 At Horseshoe Casino By Christopher Mitchell. You can see all of my published books on Amazon by clicking here: https://amzn.to/34poKHc
In this video, I take you inside Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, Indiana as I play Baccarat and Blackjack. Using my secret Baccarat and Blackjack winning strategies I make $700 profit using the Martingale Betting System.
I sell my secret Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies for only $500 each, or both for only $750. These are my exact Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies that I use to make between $500 and $2,000 every single day in the Casino. When you buy my secret Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies you also get me as your personal Success Coach. You can email me any time with any additional questions you might have for no additional cost whatsoever. Please email me at changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com
You can purchase my Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies any of the following ways:
1. Send the $500 or $750 through Zelle to my email address: changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com
2. Send the $500 or $750 through Facebook Messenger at my personal Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/changeyourlifevlog
3. Send the $500 or $750 through PayPal to my email address: changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com If you choose PayPal, make sure you choose the option SEND MONEY TO A FRIEND.
Some people ask me for coaching over the phone. If this is of interest to you, I do provide live phone consultations at the following rates:
15-minute consultation: $100
30-minute consultation: $175
60-minute consultation: $300
I also travel all over the United States on a weekly basis going to different Casino’s. If you’ve purchased one or both of my strategies, if I ever happen to be going to a Casino near you, I’ll let you know ahead of time and if you want to meet me at that Casino in person and gamble along side of me, I’ll be happy to meet you there at no additional cost whatsoever.
If you like this video go ahead and click the 👍LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to my channel so we can build a close knit community together of like minded people. You can email me personally at changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com
#Baccarat #Blackjack #HorseshoeCasino
Source: YouTube

Good stuff. I agree reap as you sow karma protect those who are generous.
Incredible insight about reaping and sowing.
OMG I absolutely love this video and your treatment of others. YOU ROCK! I have always wanted to be in a financial position to do that very same thing and give money to others My kids know this of me and always say "That's a hundred dollars" when they recognise quality service or appreciate others and know if I had it in my pocket it would have been handed out at that moment. I am crying right now, so happy to know that someone is actually doing this with no expectation in return. THANK YOU AGAIN for sharing your life, family and generosity with all of you! So special!
what is different with your strategy than the normal martingale. thanks
does your strategy works on online bakara live diller tables?
I sell my secret Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies for only $500 each, or both for only $750. These are my exact Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies that I use to make between $500 and $2,000 every single day in the Casino. When you buy my secret Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies you also get me as your personal Success Coach. You can email me any time with any additional questions you might have for no additional cost whatsoever. Please email me at changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com
You can purchase my Baccarat & Blackjack Winning Strategies any of the following ways:
1. Send the $500 or $750 through Zelle to my email address: changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com
2. Send the $500 or $750 through Facebook Messenger at my personal Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/changeyourlifevlog
3. Send the $500 or $750 through PayPal to my email address: changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com If you choose PayPal, make sure you choose the option SEND MONEY TO A FRIEND.
Some people ask me for coaching over the phone. If this is of interest to you, I do provide live phone consultations at the following rates:
15-minute consultation: $100
30-minute consultation: $175
60-minute consultation: $300
I also travel all over the United States on a weekly basis going to different Casino’s. If you’ve purchased one or both of my strategies, if I ever happen to be going to a Casino near you, I’ll let you know ahead of time and if you want to meet me at that Casino in person and gamble along side of me, I’ll be happy to meet you there at no additional cost whatsoever.
If you like this video go ahead and click the 👍LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to my channel so we can build a close knit community together of like minded people. You can email me personally at changeyourlifevlog@gmail.com
Do you always tip $100?😎
hi is it i need 30 days bank role if i bring $500 per day.. total $15000 to play. how much to buy your playing program
lv your son soooo cute , 65 with lots of grand kids lol , wish i could afford your system but i cant , You and wife and son look like you enjoy life , and yes god is great , wish your family a great Christmas
Hi I'm contact in Gmail but Ur not replied