Baccarat Strategy Video Source & Information:
In this video guys I show a perfect example of the game, I started recording AFTER I lost few hands in a row, I did not plan on recording and I dont have the footage of it.
I could just upload a regular VERY GOOD winning video, But i want to share with you my journey as it really is!
The point here is this: In my Lesson 1 video I spoke about how sometimes the game is not playing by the “rules” it suppost to – BUT, then, It “Fixes” it self – as you can see in this video.
Send to me your Strategies – I will review them and report back 🙂
My Baccarat Winning Strategy is not for sale, I am not teaching you How To Make Profit Playing Baccarat at the moment!
*I want to teach you first how to gamble in general!*
Leave a comment guys.. Lets start a Smart gambling Community!
The casino I Play in:
BIG Registration BONUS only from BACCARAT XL!
In the near Future I will make live games with you guys, and you will be able to bet with ME.
In order to do that – join my casino 🙂
Source: YouTube

Ok so 1iar going to 2iar is your system.