Baccarat Winner Best of Last 4

Baccarat Strategy Video Source & Information:

How to Make Money Baccarat,

My Simulator I got from Craig . His email is

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Source: YouTube

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Baccarat Winner Best of Last 4

10 thoughts on “Baccarat Winner Best of Last 4

  1. what are you on about Wilson? cant fathom really have no clue please explain ty

  2. seems to work better best of last 4 results
    don't get your method
    ty for sharing though

  3. Go back to the beginning of the shoe, listen to his instructions carefully, you will understand what he is doing. The key word is “ look at the last four suits.”

  4. I like this because I don’t have to track on a separate sheet. I like just jumping into a shoe and working a system.

  5. Nice job Wison, what a great way to play. I wonder where you got the idea? I'll try it with your betting plan.

  6. Hey wilson may i ask an important lets say for example you win 5 units on your 1st casino using 6 martys and you play to win 5 units using 6 martys on your second casino. Does your odds reset when you play on your 2nd casino? Or does your odds of losing became greater because you aim for another 5 units on the 2nd casino?

  7. Developer of the BTC Suite app here. I'm happy to take questions about what the app does and doesn't do if anyone is interested. Best of luck to you.

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