Baccarat Strategy Video Source & Information:
HAPPY SUNDAY !! Well this went better than last week : )) It just shows we will have BAD SESSIONS, GOOD SESSIONS and sometimes GREAT Sessions
Cheers : ))
Source: YouTube

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Happy Sunday! This session was a lot better than the previous one.
My man. Where have you been chi???? Miss u man. You should go for more sessions.
Glad to see the extended play treated you OK. Could have been better but was good enough. If you use that TWO loss in a ROW extended play method a number of times then eventually you will hit a time where you go a LONG time before hitting 2 losses in a row.
You need JESUS. Pray to HIM, HE loves you.
When you die as we ALL will soon. 99.9 sooner than they think 🤔 will kneel before JESUS. Romans 10:5/10. The One and only true Son of GOD Almighty, all others are false..we are all sinners and need JESUS. JESUS was crucified on the cross at Calvary and then on the third day rose again, for you and I (John 3:16). So, Choose this day whom you'll serve. For if you don't it will be chosen for you and that is HELL
Arguing with me is silly at best. Bc I'm just the messenger…
Please call .
83.For.Truth.☎️.👍.. .. .. ..k
Yes The Card Whisperer Strikes again 😃
What a session!!?
Who within reason could ask for ANY better??
Bottom Line I got from this video is you HAVE to be prepared and tough enough to handle the Bad times.
Only then can you enjoy the EASY times.😎
Hello, I have been enjoying watching your videos and want to try playing baccarat online. The online site your playing on, are they trustworthy? Have you had any problems cashing out? I'm in the USA and want to find a few trustworthy sites to play on.
Hôm qua tôi mới thắng được hũ bự tại Asia99 khá ổn áp anh em ạ. Ai qua chơi với tui không kkk lập team chơi này.