Baccarat Strategy Video Source & Information:
This is FX Triple Threat real money baccarat betting strategy, in it’s most realistic game ever. Massive downswings, and nearly hitting our stop loss several times but through thick and thin with 100% dedication to the system we’ve chosen to play, we managed to get back to even with a slight advantage of a few bucks.
The key to success is sticking to the system despite the odds against you, and trusting the process and if you hit your stop loss, you stop, and if you win, you stop too. This is not for the weak!
Give the video some love as we nearly got Murk’d a few times and it took us on one of the wildest mental rollercoaster rides ever.
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Welcome to the Brunson FX gaming channel where we show you our proven techniques and systems for beating online poker and various games where risk is involved.
We also can win at local casinos in cash games using our systems as well and aim to show you what’s working for us in hopes that you improve your play and profit consistently, but more importantly, have more fun gambling!
*Gamble at your own risk. Seek help if you have a problem.
Thank you for ALL the LIKES, SHARES, and SUBSCRIBES, we love how much this has grown, and helped other gaming enthusiasts perform better in casinos.
DISCLAIMER: We post videos strictly for entertainment purposes only. We show only the best “short game” tactics and strategies for winning early. Getting in and getting out quickly with profits! We are NOT open to meeting any players in person, doing any kind of business deal with shared profits or coaching in private sessions.
#realmoneybaccarat #onlinebaccaratrealmoney #brunsonfx
Source: YouTube
![[FX Triple Threat #2] Real Money Baccarat Betting Strategy + Wild Mental Rollercoaster + Break Even?](
Love your channel bro. I sub'd and clicked the bell so I'm ALL IN my man. Keep up the great videos and ignore the weird comments. I appreciate yr work and your shot gun approach to trying out lots of different systems/ideas. Thank you.
Nice going BFX. It may not seem like it to you but IMO that was a MAJOR VICTORY for you in MANY respects:
1. Fortunately you upped your stop Loss to $600. I think you would have been done playing twice in this vid had you stayed with a firm -500 as your stop loss. That means that you are now +500 from where you would have been if you had not raised your Stop Loss.
2. You followed your system and did not even think about deviating even though things were going really bad for a LONG time early in the vid & again later in the vid. (I guess there may have been one misplay but that was by accident. Not on purpose because you were doubting your system. IMO a misplay is N/A. Half the time it loses & half the time it wins for you by mistake IN THE LONG RUN)
3. It took a lot of bad luck for you to get to -500 those couple times. It required an equal amount of GOOD Luck for you to climb back out of that hole & get yourself to even (actually small win). Once you got to that point you somehow knew that it was the perfect time to quit for the day. That wave of good luck you were riding COULD have reversed again. If you had continued after getting back to even and then got back down 400 or 500 the level of frustration would have been SKY HIGH. That would have been a recipe for going on tilt. Nothing says that you NEED to get all the way to +200 before you can quit. Tomorrow is another day & the Bac tables will be there awaiting your return. GREAT decision to stop right there with a small win. I would even advocate for stopping once you made it up to a small Loss after a hair raising roller coaster ride like that one.
Sometimes Bac is real easy like you last vid. Other times it is much tougher like this vid. Other times it is even much worse than what this vid showed. Seems like it at the time but Nothing is "unbeleivable".
Food for thought: After you cash out more winnings & grow your bankroll further you might consider raising your stop Loss even a little higher to $700 while maintaining +200 as your win stop (session goal). The higher your ratio of Stop Loss : Win Stop is the higher % of winning sessions you will have.
Hey Mr. B, what a fight, one down-up-crap-crazy-getting-cashflow-back-in-the-end session! And no ape-bad martingale stuff with the $ but total money management control, so $ break-even or not I'd call that a win. By the way I like all your vids, the ups and downs, of course a good system will win in the long run but to be sure I'm sending you major vibes from Holland as well to get as many as up sessions possible!
i think this company choose cart.they made shoes with full tie or street banker-player.they analyse behave player with software .after by after same model cart in several shoes and if you continue you lose it. there is no random so be careful.
Good videos man! I used your last 3 underdog method last night at the casino and managed to double my money
Buddy please dont tell me youve lost all your money again
I think I,ll cry if you have
good to see you back in cash flow 😍😍😍
What ever u r doing is according to u r system.. But main thing u have to listen is the streak.. I mean pattern is very powerful than any other strategy in baccarat.. U r a nice guy.. God bless
Win or lose still love ya fam. Some shoes you just never know man