Baccarat Strategy Video Source & Information:
I’m going to show you how to read Baccarat derived roads, BIG EYE BOY & SMALL ROAD, the EASY WAY! Once mastered, let’s pair these two roads with sequence 1 & 2 of my X MARKS THE SPOT Strategy!
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30-Day Bet Spreads Challenge PLAYLIST
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Information provided in videos & emails are for educational purposes only.
Source: YouTube

Where Do you stay in US
Thank you very much! You are the best coach, learning a lot from you, best wishes and most respect.
Another great video brother.
Fainaly we seeing you out of home.
👍up for the coffee.
And thanks again.
Here we have summer coming 🏖
Lets gooooo
Hey Rafael , over the months of doing different strategy's is there one that you have used that has done the best over the others ?? I was thinking of doing no mirror but wait until a line mirrors once then do no mirror. Basically betting it won't mirror twice
Is that the Canadian maple leaf pattern, on top of the plastic cap?
A question bro.
What if Dragon tail keeps going .
Should I stop and wait for it to finish?
Yummy donuts !!! Great vid !! Keep up good work !!
Thank you for sharing! Much appreciated! Could you please explain your betting sequence? How do you determine how much to bet when its time?? Also, if you win on one X, do you still have to play through the other X to complete the one you havent won on yet? For example if you win on big eye road, do you have to keep playing on the big eye road X while youre still working on small road or just stick to small road?
Thank you Rafael. You are the man. You totally made the derived roads easy to understand. You're an outstanding teacher. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, talent, and skills.