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Keep it coming Wilson!
I think I like this BBPBBP approach best Wilson. I've now played 38 shoes using it. I've gotten the win: 1st hand B (17 times), 2nd hand B (8 times), 3rd hand P (8 times), 4th hand B (4 times) and 5th hand B (1 time). I haven't had to go to the sixth hand P yet. Statistically speaking here is a comparison of what I got to what I should have gotten.
1st hand B: 17 wins and statistically should be 19 wins (50% of 38)
2nd hand B: 8W should be 9.5W (25% of 38)
3rd hand P: 8W should be 4.8W (12.5% of 38)
4th hand B: 4W should be 2.4W (6.25% of 38)
5th hand B: 1W should be 1.2W (3.125% of 38)
6th hand P: haven't needed it yet
So you can see I'm down on the first two hands from what you would expect but hands 3 and 4 are well above the expected win rate. The 5th hand is right. I know 38 shoes isn't the largest sample size either but I'll keep you informed as I play more shoes. One last stat. The total number of wins is 38 (100% win rate) and total number of losses is 40. So in general, 48.7% of the time I get wins and 51.3% losses.
No complaints.
OK, played 61 shoes.
1st hand win: 29 (should be 30.5)
2nd hand win: 14 (should be 15.25)
3rd hand win: 10 (should be 7.6)
4th hand win: 5 (should be 3.8)
5th hand win: 2 (should be 1.9)
6th hand win: 1 (should be 1)
So the first two hands are letting me down statistically but hands 3 and 4 are making up for it. In terms of hands won/lost: 61W/62L so that's about right. I haven't had to go to a 7th hand yet.
Now I have 87 shoes under my belt using BBPBBP. I have won 86 times (in the 6 step sequence) but had to go to a 7th hand to get my 87th win. The distributions are essentially what you expect for a random statistical distribution.
1st hand W: 44 (expect 43.5)
2nd hand W: 19 (expect 22.5)
3rd hand W: 12 (expect 11)
4th hand W: 7 (expect 5.5)
5th hand W: 2 (expect 3)
6th hand W: 2 (expect 1.5)
7th hand W: 1 (expect none for this sample size)
My overall ratio is 86W:88L so that's about right. I suspect you could draw either B or P out of a hat and get roughly the same result over 87 shoes. I will no longer be updating this thread. Good luck to everyone.
i stick to flat bet TBL.
that one is the best in the risk i would take
Wilson I appreciate your total honesty. It's all 50/50. Go to the table to win not sit and play. Hit and run! Bang make your nut and Truck to the next table.
Wilson, what is the link to the online gambling site that you're using? Thanks!
Nice job Wilson, it willnot get any better than this. 5 units and on your way home! Thanks. Hope everything is going good.
hi Wilson , if the table has P more B you use PPBPPB or not ?