10 thoughts on “Stop using Martingale on that Baccarat table !

  1. I do martingale… everytime I loss at a table, I prefer to move at another table, then look for ping pong or cut 2,3,4 pattern… And, do martingale…


  2. I do martingale at casino 3 day ago.. and I win 1600. With 5000 bankroll, I didn't play every game, I skip 5 to 8 if I not confident.

  3. I have a idea. If Tie Player, bet Bankker 3 hand by matingale. If Tie Bannker, bet player 3 hand by matingale. If no ok, switch table and do again.what kindly do you think about this method?

  4. I dont understand why this lady deals with a bikini stupid bad than you khow its al fake you be scammed

  5. dude… You are an guy for beting high amounts..

    bet the lowest, $1 if possible, the larger amount of turns you can take within budget the better..

    a $2000 bankroll while playing martingale from $1 bets would have given you up to 11 – 13 chances.

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