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Source: YouTube

I wanted to give more likes but am allowed only one. 😐
Very good video! Thanks a lot Mister Rafael! Just wondering can I combining this strategy with 'bet spread' money management strategy that you shown in the last video or is it must be compulsory that this strategy must work together with 'negative progression' money management?
I love the way you explain everything, and make it very clear to us. Thank you 🙂
@Mister Rafael in your statitics what's the % of time you lost a complete sequence of 4 bets of this strategy ?
I am a new subscriber. I haven't played Baccarat for real money yet, just learned how to play. I love your vids. Your explanations of the different strategies are easy to understand and I can't wait to try them out. How do you decide on which strategy to use or do you just pick which one and/or combo and just follow it?
What's the money management you're using?
what is the scoreboard you are using and how do I get one,what is the scoreboard you are using and how do I get one,
Nice I am learning lot from you, especially thanks to you i am making money on big and small roads. Those are best to bet.
Awesome Baccarat Session. Keep them coming.
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