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Source: YouTube

This I used to play advantage over here is u will see random pattern ,u could choose this pattern or any other pattern u see while playing, but main point is to play max 5 or 8 win ,if loss occur three times u wait for exact pattern through out the game or skip to new shoe patience is the key for everything, don't rush by seeing the pattern the pattern appear more than twice for a shoe so wait, also I had got another way but it can only play for 6 win continuous after that u might wait because they will notice the way ur playing, there are different of method create ur own strategy and look it works on the table without entering into the game, if ur strategy works try, other method is to calculate the number with colour till now it working for me. Also one more thing if we got more strategy it's better to use in one shoe because they won't recognise over pattern of the play it my own suggestions 😀
Hi friend
I live tour vidéos
Love from france
It's is suitable for PPB or BBP
We missed you Mister Rafael. Quality content as usual. I just hope u upload more frequently.
After you lose two in a row why exit the shoe,if you lose 2 in a row stop and wait for paper bet win,then resume play,I don't see the advantage of going to another shoe ,like I said if you lose two in a row,stop play and wait for a paper bet win then resume in the shoe I think it's the same thing.
Thank you sir…
where can we download your spreadsheets ? thank you
So if you get a double opposite right from the beginning. Do you exit the shoe meaning leave the table and go somewhere else or just wait till you get another opposite
I've got a strategy that never goes beyond four losses been testing for two weeks, could I ask other than martingale what would be the best money management.. thanks