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Hello guys! So I’ve shared with many of you lately that I was making a pricy investment in my perfume collection and today I’m sharing that with you. I’ll be comparing the Baccarat Rouge 540 eau de Parfum with the Extrait de Parfum. What does it smell like, is it worth the price tag? Why did I buy it?
Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait:
Baccarat Rouge 540 eau de Parfum:
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Source: YouTube

Have you tried BR 540 EDP or the extrait de parfum? What were your thoughts? Did you have to go through a fragrance “journey” with it like I did ?
You wouldn’t spray it for you tube fans ? 🙁
I have the eau de parfum. I love it. I was like you and wasn’t impressed at first. It was a blind buy. I wore and after a while could not smell it…… but everyone else could and they loved it. By far my BIGGEST compliment getter!!!
I really enjoy the edp but I have not tried the extrait yet 😉
Can you please tell where you bought it from?
I actually bought samples of each and could barely smell f at all the EDP version for some reason, but I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY and loved the Extrait. Here I am on election night waiting on my 70ml to arrive Thursday.
I find extrait light then the original and its sweet on me because of the almond and not masculine, i love the extrait.
Thank you for your take on this fragrance. If you can only have just one…which would you take? I know you said that you like the smell of the EDP a little more, but since you like the strength of the extrait I thought I’d ask. Lol. Thank you in advance. Holla.
I recently got the Extrait version , given by my friend who’s upset by the fragrance doesn’t work on her , she said after an 1hr or 2 the smell just gone and she doesn’t smell anything on her , clothes even her friends act the same. But after i tried my self, I had a different vibes, it’s just simply work miracle on me … I can still smell it after 6hr, or 8hr my friend also smell it good . Next day I woke up and still smell it on my wrist, I think some people allergic to expensive luxurious perfume, they just goes blind nose … they even said the inspired perfume more lasting and smell stronger than original, perhaps their skin attached to it better … I just shared them this video so they can truly understand their skin type or their smell sense …
I have my nose blind to the EDP which I could only smell the scent for only few minutes and it seems to disappear real quick. The extrait has an almond scent in it and my nose respond to this scent better and last longer on my skin. For me the extrait is the one to go for.