Baccarat Tips Video Source & Information:
This is part 2 of a 3 part series that will completely expose the convicted felon scammer jason sample. Everyone needs to demand their money back IMMEDIATELY and/or go file report with nevada attorney general in link below, subscribe and hit bell to view next weeks part 3,File_Complaint%2F%20and%20selecting%20the%20%E2%80%9CTicket
Source: YouTube

Jason & CM are the exact same. They prey off the elderly, foreigners & young kids who live on youtube 24/7 because they have no friends. Their videos are designed to make them look like the NBT and popular. I mean, how many times did Jason show those cars he's a mechanic for, but doesn't own. He sure wants people to think he owns them all and then custom motorcycle
People can only say so much before theres nothing left to say and this guy taking the time into his day to talk about people is upto him i mean hey any publicity good publicity so we thankyou for promoting our team and how you choose and live your life trying to expose people is cleary your decision eventually people like you and hater comments etc it will all pass no bodys perfect… so what….im a yes man …paying member …he has my respect and support for teaching me how to win more then lose overtime wish you all the best keep it up eventually yous will all fade away 1.66 a day doesnt seem that bad to me and at the end of the day we are the ones cashing out 😉
Here's how you beat baccarat, and I'll give it to you for FREE.
1) Either hire "Kelly" the queen of sorts, or…
2) never sit at the tables!
Awesome 👍 Something on Vagas Dave would be super entertaining .
I bet JS was a broke nerd his whole life and resorted to commiting bank fraud from old people so he can act like he belongs on MTV Cribs
Jason is definitely a losing player and I have the same hosts he does at Cosmo, Aria & Ceasar's.
If he defrauded victims, he must pay them back.
JS talks somewhat slow.
If he uses heavy drugs and was convicted 30 times, he may not have credentials to give investment advice or manage other people's money, specially on gambling.
It is likely that Las Vegas attracts this kind of people.
Many thanks. Keep up the good work.
Great videos exposing these creeps
go man get the devil he he
And at first I thought he was honest compared to CM. You can't trust anyone boy.