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Zone betting and taking advantage of chops : )) Cheers : ))
Source: YouTube

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If only every shoe went that good
Sorry have not been watching for a while but back and saw your Zone betting.
I have a zone betting we have been playing a long time and it works well and is less aggressive.
You need to win two at one of the levels and your in the money or close back to even.
This will work great with your 3 and out.
The objective is to get plus 1 each time then reset.
Level 1. 1 1 1
Level 2. 2 2 2
Level 3 4 4 4
Level 4 8 8 8
Now if you get to level 3 or higher and hit you may be only 2 down so drop to level that makes you get to plus 1.
Again your goal is plus 1 over and over in the shoe. You have to basically win 3 out of 12 bets. If you can’t do that then your doing something wrong.
Questions let me know.
Thanks for your video, lot of good infos.
Have a look at my channel if you want to play in a different way:-).