Baccarat Tips Video Source & Information:
Ok so here I give live commentary on my inner brain while I play. I’ve taken tips from @BFX Baccarat and @Mike the Gambling Guy and @Christopher Mitchell and @CasinoAmigos . 1 system won’t win all the time. You have to learn how to take in all the info.
Source: YouTube

As soon as I heard the word Martingale I knew what this was ….
Another video for LOSERS
You must have real confidence betting a whopping $4 as your base
$200 a day, why not bet green and win $1000 a day ?
"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." _David Brinkley
You should play 5$ units to make 20$ in 4 bets, assuming you do regular martingale, less stressful this way. Also I agree on the part that those C2B3/B4 strats on Rich Fortner's group will lose big time because of opposite pattern (Cheetos's strat is also confirmed to have lost 12 bets in a row, I have a shoe that goes very wonky). This is a coinflip game where you are to decide which side to take, keep staying on the opposite and you will lose. Also big thumbs up on the part where you say put faith in your method, once you start second guessing the chance of winning decrease by half. Once a "system" fails, it fails, move on and grind it back, however I suggest increasing the unit size and play more cautiously to grind them back. I personally 5x my base bet whenever I lose my super marty 5, so if I lose the first 5, that's 58 units down, so I need to win 12 times at 5x base bet to grind them back plus profit.