Blackjack and Probability: Livin’ on the (House) Edge

Learn Blackjack Video Source & Info:

Of all of the games in a casino, Blackjack is one of the least unfavorable to the player, at least when played with an understanding of the probabilities involved. In this video we cover the rules of Blackjack, and how probability can help you make more informed decisions at the table.

Hit or Stand – Blackjack Rules and Strategy:
House Edge of Casino Games Compared:
The House Edge in Blackjack:

Source: YouTube

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Blackjack and Probability: Livin’ on the (House) Edge

4 thoughts on “Blackjack and Probability: Livin’ on the (House) Edge

  1. Casinos are mostly illegal for Koreans in Korea (one exception) but allowed for people with other passports in Korea. I sat down at one blackjack table one time at one of these casinos as my only blackjack experience. I noticed too late that the minimum bet was $50 and was already dealt in. I don't remember the cards, but I lost that one hand and quit. These places are mostly for rich traveling business people not teachers like me.

  2. Can someone explain how it's possible to consistently lose 6:1 hands wen I play rng blackjack??? Surely this is a fix!? Guaranteed the dealer will 4-5 hands in a row but I'm lucky to 2 in a row. This doesn't seem "random" to me!?

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