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Blackjack, my goat shaking hands, taking a bow, lying down, and standing on his hind legs. I also explain how I taught him his tricks.
Source: YouTube

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Great video and awesome shirt! Ron Paul is a man of freedom.
In honor of Han Solo I named my goat Chewy.
Can anyone tell me what breed of goat this is????? He's so cute !
his tail is wagging!
Thank you so much! It really worked and they learned fast. I taught them shake and up so far. I want to try the take a bow and lay down. Your awesome! Thanks for the help!
I taught them down now too. So now they know shake, up and down. Thank you sooooo much!! Everybody is impressed and I tell them I watched your video. Thank you again. Are you going to show more goat trick videos??
Nice shirt also your goat is adorable.
I have 3 goats and they love to eat a lot
I will be training a goat soon. This is good information. Gave you a follow.