Learn Blackjack Video Source & Info:
In this video, I review React code in the form of an awesome looking blackjack game!
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Source: YouTube
What a great episode. Immediate impression is that I love those animations! Gives the game a really fun and professional feel. I have a particular love for blackjack as I have used either blackjack or video poker as my first serious project for languages I have learned over the years. You end up using a large portion of the language and it requires some serious logic. Great job, JC! And great job, James. As a former programming instructor, I know how hard it is to look at reasonably complex code and figure out what it is doing, what it is supposed to do, and how to improve it.
I look forward to more of these.
btw, here is what I use for a deepCopy of props and state to prevent accidentally mutating state directly:
const objCopy = obj => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
I googled and found several answers. I like this one because it is so straightforward and it covers all arrays/objects no matter how many levels it goes.
And, yes, I created a bug in my first react projects by not making a deep copy. What was happening is that I accidentally changed my state object. Then, I ran setState. Because the state had already been changed, setState did not see any changes to the data and, as a result, did not re-render a presentation component that was dependent on the data. That was fun to debug.
Thank you Mr. Quick for the code review. I am excited about making the changes that you have recommended and learning from the experience. The advice you have been giving during this code review series is invaluable.