Firebrand #2 PvP AT Showcase – Featuring Blackjack

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This video is part of a series which covers high-level PvP gameplay from a specific class perspective. The aim of the series is to showcase movement and the ideals of a class in PvP when played by a high-rated player.

I wanted to get some coverage of a Firebrand who was focused on teamplay during an AT. Fortunately, Blackjack (a former Rank 1 Guardian/Ele main) has played recently and has provided me with this output. For those who will ask, yes, I still intend to cover the likes of Chunsu and/or Cookie if/when the opportunity presents itself.
Blackjack is more than competent to play at high tier and is also ex-ESL. He frequents Legendary and is known throughout the PvP scene. This team showcases Blackjack’s ability to re-sustain teamfights when pressured by heavy team damage, whilst holding onto important boons for distribution as the fight demands it. His skill usage shows logical thought processes, and you should pay attention to what skills are used when, and why (e.g Stability distribution on the Elite). I hope you enjoy.

I hope that you guys can learn from this coverage. Let me know what you think about this style of upload. Thanks as always.
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Firebrand #2 PvP AT Showcase – Featuring Blackjack

10 thoughts on “Firebrand #2 PvP AT Showcase – Featuring Blackjack

  1. Great game. After reds got the momentum, blue had their chance to regain the map in around 7:30, but you can see on the minimap how they were held on their close by 1-2 red players, thus allowing red to regroup. Thanks for casting and sharing this video!

  2. nice game, as soon as red realized killing zyntrex was the way to win the teamfights they skyrocketed

  3. Thanks for the video, keep going. I like that someone is casting the ATs. So people can understand whats PvP really for, playing WITH the Team and not 1v9, cause people always acting toxic but never play together or even regroup (in solo Que) Thanks alot!
    For me it was interesting to see him on the quickness/might mantra as well, but against this team comp it was a little bit better as Aeon played.

  4. Well done on the build coverage! Honestly though this commentary was very good 🙂

  5. Very nice commentary. I like how you went over the roles pretty quickly so you can give more in-depth commentary about the teamfighting. This game was really educative about the teamfighting role and the synergy between FB and scourge. GJ man

  6. Nice one. These showcases were a good idea and are getting better. Good call taking the commenter's suggestion and condensing the build/comp descriptions.

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