Learn Blackjack Video Source & Info:
FUN ONLINE BLACKJACK SESSION! NICE WIN! We want to change it up and give you guys a little action with some online blackjack and play with some real money. We had a lot of fun making this one and actually had a decent outcome for one shoe. Please let us know if you like it and comment if you want more live blackjack sessions! Enjoy the video!
We start with a bankroll of $140 at this Blackjack table.Table pays 3-2 when hitting a Blackjack. Insurance is 2 to 1. Some of the blackjack rules in this casino are not like your average casino that you go to.
We want to show lots of different kinds of betting strategies in its own Blackjack session. Seeing the outcomes of each strategy and to make you a better Blackjack player yourself.
Please comment what kind of strategies you guys would like to see.
We upload new videos every Monday and Friday at 1pm EST.
Subscribe for more if you love Blackjack Videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/BlackjackUniversity
Recommended Playlist-
Playing Basic Strategy and Hitting Big Blackjack Wins: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOmkn8hGElASU46Amu8jupjFZwrbEQSe
Learn New Blackjack Strategies to Bring to the Casino: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOmkn8hGElCfefLSTjFaME-w0J2eO43q
#Blackjack #Blackjackuniversity
Source: YouTube

Only one mistake. You should split 77 vs 7. I ran it like splitting and next player wouldn't get extra card so there was not affecting on shoe and there was our win on that hand. Average win I get by my system was 120 dollars 10 per unit
you were on a roll with the first dealer! he should of stayed lollll great video btw!
how many decks they use?
140€ Profit
I think you habe Start with 130€
whats the name the 1st song rythm instrumental ? please