Let’s Code Python: Blackjack

Learn Blackjack Video Source & Info:

Blackjack is a pretty popular coding exercise.

You can find the source code for this in my GitHub repository of small scripts:


Here’s a direct link to the blackjack script:


Source: YouTube

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Let’s Code Python: Blackjack

10 thoughts on “Let’s Code Python: Blackjack

  1. Just started the video, so you might address this later, but traditionally you play Blackjack with 6-8 decks. It's a minor change though, just multiply the deck by 24, 32 or 40 instead of 4.
    Or like I did: deck = list('234567890JQKA'*(4*6))

    Also, if you're using SublimeText2 and get the EOFError for input, try downloading Wuub's SublimeREPL from github, it'll give you an actual Python console instead of the build check panel.

  2. thanks for the video, but with the sudden changes in code, it's a bit harder to follow. i'd recommend doing the code first, then making the video so that it's easier to follow before suddenly migrating code from one section to another while implementing other things. this is of course coming from a beginner, but that's my take.

  3. hi, thanks for video, im watching most of your online coding, will you make a snake game with turtle or tkinter? i really would like to get the idea behind that game, and so far you are explaining the logic behind the code. thank you

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