Learn Blackjack Video Source & Info:
Can Jack Haze double his bankroll using the world’s most FAMOUS betting strategy? See if Jack can earn 64 units playing Blackjack by doubling his bet every time he loses.
00:09 Unit Bet and Consecutive Loss tolerance
00:19 First hand
00:23 Modified Basic Strategy chart
01:08 What is my Goal and why pick this specific amount?
01:29 What does doubling up get me?
02:09 What about getting a Natural Blackjack?
02:24 What is the probability of busting out?
02:53 What is the cost of not Splitting/Doubling/Surrendering
03:02 Are there better games to try to Martingale?
05:42 Why did Jack pick this iOS app?
07:35 Why start with 63 units?
08:55 What resources are there for learning Blackjack Basic Strategy?
11:52 Should you show your hand totals in a mobile app?
13:28 Conclusion
📊📊📊Blackjack Basic Strategy Charts:
😴😴😴Learn Blackjack in your SLEEP:
#gambling #casino #blackjack #twentyone #cardcounting #basicstrategy #lasvegas
Source: YouTube

Need a martingale craps video!
Marty works for people willing tontake a 20-25% win. Me. To double your win everytime using Marty is a fool's errand. Starting bankroll is 1k. Out at +250. Come back later for another 250.
Craps and Baccarat.
I mafe an experiment using the same but play money with 9 martingale….i reached over 9 meaning lost my bankrill after 420 winning hands…..all other were under 8….i am continuing the exoeriment as i write and managed to add anotther120 winning hands…if i followed the advice given i would not have play past 5 loosing hands so would not have lost my bankroll after 9.
The logic behind this is that you bet against the casino that you will win 1 hand inside 8 hands which is feasible…
Can you explain why martingale is good on bacarrat?