Python Blackjack Simulator

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Building a quick Blackjack simulator to test a theory a friend of mine had about a way to win at Blackjack.

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Engineer Man

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Python Blackjack Simulator

10 thoughts on “Python Blackjack Simulator

  1. copy paste the code and it has a lots of erros, sintax erros and notdefinded name errors… why?!

  2. This got me through my last lab for my intro to Comp Si course.
    Thanks my dude.

  3. The results are surprising; because typical is: Player 42%, Push 8%, Dealer 48%. But I guess it depends on the rules.. surrender etc. Thx for the vid.

  4. Engineer Man MILLION VIEW VIDEO IDEA!! Please do an update on your "Never Bust" Vid; try a video on blackjack simulator test on #1- "stand" (never bust) on all 16's". And #2- "hit all 2 card 16's (normal BJ), but stand on all 16's using 3(or more) cards". I think the WHOLE Blackjack community would be interest to see the video results of that simulation!! Let me know, thx.

  5. Engineer Man MILLION VIEW VIDEO IDEA!! Please do an update on your "Never Bust" Vid; try a video on blackjack simulator test on #1- "stand" (never bust) on all 16's". And #2- "hit all 2 card 16's (normal BJ), but stand on all 16's using 3(or more) cards". I think the WHOLE Blackjack community would be interest to see the video results of that simulation!! Let me know, thx.

  6. Engineer Man MILLION VIEW VIDEO IDEA!! Please do an update on your "Never Bust" Vid; try a video on blackjack simulator test on #1- "stand" (never bust) on all 16's". And #2- "hit all 2 card 16's (normal BJ), but stand on all 16's using 3(or more) cards". I think the WHOLE Blackjack community would be interest to see the video results of that simulation!! Let me know, thx.

  7. can you do a video on how to shuffle a deck of cards and as someone picks one. that card is eliminated from the deck?

  8. It would have been interesting to see if you ran another cpu intensive task to increase entropy on your system while your blackjack simulation was going on. You may have gotten more variation from your RNGs and thus more variation between runs

  9. Blackjack for the player usually pays 1.5 to 1 and the probability of hitting blackjack is 4.83% of the hands played. Your strategy already has a push for both dealer and player having blackjack simultaneously and assuming there are no errors in your simulation (actual rules of blackjack) as well as each hand having an equal bet then the player has an effective win rate of 47.81%. Add a few other player positive strategies and it could be the effective win rate is even higher. The Python code is awesome!

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