Learn Blackjack Video Source & Info:
You need to know more than how to count cards to be a professional blackjack player. DarkStar talks about what is important to know before you start. Also, be aware of bad information that is very common.
DarkStarBlackjack Book: https://www.amazon.com/DARKSTAR-BLACK…
Patreon: https://patreon.com/darkstarblackjack
Email for Training Opportunities: darkstarblackjack21@gmail.com
Twitter: @DarkStarVegas
Source: YouTube

Great video. You really hit on alot of good points. I've been an AP for over a year now and my favorite line i hear over and over is 'Either hit 16s or stand on them, but do the same everytime'…. I just laugh inside because of course we know when to hit and when to stand (16 vs dealer 10).
Hey Darkstar, when you play do you play rated or unrated? I know some AP's try really hard for comps and can be really successful with that, and others play unrated to stay out of databases. I know there are pros and cons to both but I'm not very aware of what those pros and cons are.
I have to agree that it doesn't matter how another person is playing.The other player hitting and taking your card cannot effect if you win or lose.
Great video, was their bankroll too small for a 25 minimum?
Splitting 10s draws attention – other players at the table will gripe and the pit bosses look for that as a counter/AP giveaway. One of that hazards of counting…
Well done
You should always surrender 16 vs 10 if it is available. Surrender 16 vs 9-A and 15 vs 10.
Surrender alone boosts your EV tremendously.
Hey AP, what's good?Do you play shuffle master or does the Casino have the advantage with that machine?
7 showing against a 16 I stand about 50% of the time because the dealer will have to hit in less he turns over a face or ace especially with a six deck shoe
So you just appropriated Dark Star's name? Why is that even possible?