Who Should (and Should NOT) Learn Card Counting

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It takes a specific person to make it as a card counter (and it’s probably not what you think). If you don’t have these characteristics, you will be wasting both time AND money at the casinos!

LINK TO OUR FREE CARD COUNTING MINI-COURSE:https://www.blackjackapprenticeship.com/card-counting-mini-course-opt-in



Source: YouTube

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Who Should (and Should NOT) Learn Card Counting

10 thoughts on “Who Should (and Should NOT) Learn Card Counting

  1. Being a successful card counter takes brains and a bankroll. Here's more on bankrolls: https://youtu.be/N6Su0aE6lTw

  2. counting cards is literally just counting. -1 +1. real skill you got there buddy

  3. I too am just rebellious enough to wear a wooden tie to Chapel. Card Counting is for me!

  4. I take gambling as gambling then at the end u will lose u r whole bankroll however if take gambling as a business and u set u r targets and stick on them then u can be successful.take it as a business not as a gambling
    I have a complete control on my betting habit whether I lose or win now I am planning to learn card counting.
    Suggest me where I can start

  5. What would you say is the limit to how much the investment can double? Obviously you won’t be able to continuously double after you’ve reached millions of dollars.

  6. Do you think bipolar disorder can be used in a good way when playing card games like poker or blackjack? I learned how kinda soft my moods and think more than feeling ( don't take me serious tho im just starting studying odds and ways of applying it )

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