Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:
Despite popular conception, mastering card counting does not mean you can make money every time you walk into a casino. Though a perfect card counter will win more often than they lose, there will still be some big losses along the way. In this video, Colin, David, and Dusty share the biggest losses of their career.
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Source: YouTube

I m not a card counter I have my own strategy and I play only online casinos.I cant make 600 000 but if I had 40 000 I could make 260 000 dollars a Year with 6hours "palying" daily 5 days per week.
260 000 clear money, and never go under 40 000
My biggest win was $50 on black… I quit while I was ahead
My Biggest lost was $243k….
No slots of fun when belligo was open
Damn so I guess you have to come in with 100,000 to win big uh
Lost $400 on a positive shoe that was up to like +10. Last round of the shoe, dealer pulls a blackjack and takes all my money. So painful when the count is super high and the dealer takes all the big cards
My biggest lost 8k
2300 two night stay at the hard rock
My friend took me to a casino last night and i lost 40 bucks at black jack and that sucked lol
Loudon Often bad as a nickname