Baccarat cheating device|Blackjack cheating device|Cheating poker shoe|Pin hole cam lens system

Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:

Baccarat cheating device|Blackjack cheating device|Cheating poker shoe|Baccarat strategy|Blackjack strategy|Baccarat cheating device, Blackjack cheating device, cheating poker shoe, Baccarat strategy,how-to cheat-at baccarat, how-to cheat-at blackjack, baccarat strategy, baccarat cheating tools, blackjack cheating equipment, baccarat cheating methods Skype: acefsales1 , acefsales2 Mail: MSN:

Baccarat and Blackjack are casino games that played all over the world. They are only need the value of the cards, no need read the suits. In Baccarat, 10, J, Q and K are read as 0 point, and in Blackjack, 10, J, Q and K are read as 10 point.

Poker shoe pin hole camera lens monitoring system, is suit for the Baccarat and Blackjack games. The cards should be processed by barcode on their edge, when you put the cards into the poker shoe, the camera lens will scan on it, and you can read the cards’ point. This system need backsupporter who read the cards the tell you the result by a speaker.

Baccarat cheating device|Blackjack cheating device|Cheating poker shoe|Baccarat strategy|Blackjack strategy|Baccarat cheating device, Blackjack cheating device, cheating poker shoe, Baccarat strategy,how-to cheat-at baccarat, how-to cheat-at blackjack, baccarat strategy, baccarat cheating tools, blackjack cheating equipment, baccarat cheating methods

Source: YouTube

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Baccarat cheating device|Blackjack cheating device|Cheating poker shoe|Pin hole cam lens system

10 thoughts on “Baccarat cheating device|Blackjack cheating device|Cheating poker shoe|Pin hole cam lens system

  1. 版主Cheng Fan:您没有真正地交代清楚赌场是如何cheating 玩家的。这个视频制作的很不完善,看着很迷茫,加上您的英文实在糟糕。您应该让看客明白赌场是如何cheating 他们的,主要是要展示进入牌shoe里的牌还可以随时被赌场控制,从而操控每一首game,这才是point!这样看客才会明白。

  2. Everyone know that casino steal money from people, casino bullbad… It's not fair, it s a crime…Why our Governments let do that ? Management of casino who act as criminal must go to jail

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