2 thoughts on “Basic Strategy (Blackjack)

  1. Great video brother ! I use to play blackjack all the time! I play craps now because I make more money but I got a great blackjack strategy for yah! My approach is aggressive and I'm in it to win it in a short of time period as possible! Now you can play this strategy at any level but I play it at the 100$ level with a 5 gran bankroll!
    Level 1- 100$
    Level2- 200$
    Level3- 300$
    Level4- 400$
    Level6- 700$
    Level7- 900$
    If I win on any level I parlay it
    If I win the parlay I start over at level one! If I don't win my parlay I go up a level! I don't go past level 7! I'll start over at level one with my remaining 2 gran or either quit lol! I didn't lose very often with this ! I've made thousands with it!
    Win goal usually 7, 8 hundred! Up to you! If you win the first bet that's 300$ profit

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