6 thoughts on “Blackjack Basic Strategy: SPLIT #blackjack #blackjackstrategy #cardcounting

  1. Don't split eights against dealer 10 or Ace, unless you want to lose money.
    Ā  Mathematically it may make sense to split, but shuffle variance is a different science that is incorporated in a casino shoe. Split eights against dealer facecard, but not 10, you will lose more times if you do, and losing twice bad! It's given a dealer will make a powerful hand with an ace, why risk losing twice against a 20 or 21, there's only a handful of great cards that will probably save you: Ace, 10, for solid, or a 2 and 3, in which you would hit not double down hoping to get a 10.

    If you hit your 16, you have 5, not 4 chances to win, with either an Ace-5. If you surrender or stand, you risk losing no money, or just one wager.

  2. 9,9 splits except 7, 10, A.

    The way it was sung in the song is easier to remember.


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