Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:
The Wizard interviews the maker of Blackjack Burnout at the 2016 Cutting Edge table game show in Las Vegas. Please see the full rules, strategy, and analysis at
Source: YouTube

badtest game ever?
Looks like a good way to burnout your bankroll with sucker bets.
Mike can you tell us where this table game would be available in the US?
I like blackjack it's a good game
He said that you could burn any card, so when he got 3 K K all he had to do is burn the 3 instead of the K.
Use a tripod for the camera, other than that, good video.
Did this game variation actually make it to Vegas? I would love to watch people fall for this crap! What casino is it in?
I heard 1.74, I might as well have played 6/5 blackjack with the pit boss doing card tricks with a new deck at the end of the shoe
….see 5:55 to 7:05 to see how this is a HORRIBLE GAME
Side bets are 'sucker bets'. That being said, if someone has a lot of $$ to spend, and its 'fun' for them…I guess it works?
Going to fail, too complicated and too slow