Blackjack CARD COUNTING Practice – Three Hand Special – Part 1

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Blackjack Card Counting Practice – Three Hand Special – Part 1. We have a lot of card counters that watch our videos and want to help them practice their skills. We up the players hands to 3 spots to give you guys more cards to count. Enjoy the video!

We start with a bankroll of $1000 at this Blackjack table.Table pays 3-2 when hitting a Blackjack. Insurance is 2 to 1. Dealer must hit soft 17. Blackjack Shoe has 6 Decks.

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Blackjack CARD COUNTING Practice – Three Hand Special – Part 1

5 thoughts on “Blackjack CARD COUNTING Practice – Three Hand Special – Part 1

  1. Counting cards definitely needs a lot of practice.
    I am curious how many people can actually master it without
    making any mistakes.

  2. Obviously the dude playing does not how to use blackjack deviations 🀣😁

  3. Edit- I had to watch a couple of more time to find and reconcile my mistakes, lol I hope I'm right now…
    First in with a count- I hope I'm not wrong, lol. Final count I got was +6. It was +16 at 7:16 (first 10 hands), +11 at 12:22 (2nd 10 hands), and finally +6.
    With those cards, I really have to watch the 6's and 9's. Nice job on the video, guys!! You made the discard tray visible, and also fixed the recording sound level or mic placement- much less scraping noise = easier on the ears. I appreciate you considering my suggestions πŸ™‚

  4. A great to learn counting is to practice with one deck. Turn two cards over at a time and learn the two card combimations together. So when you are counting at a table you are counting the players cards together . This is much faster and easy to do once masteted.

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