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In the context of a casino, “edging” typically refers to a player gaining an advantage over the casino by using a specific strategy or technique that gives them a slight edge in a particular game. This can include techniques such as card counting in blackjack, identifying biased roulette wheels, or using a betting system that takes advantage of certain patterns or probabilities.
It’s worth noting that many of these techniques are considered illegal or against the rules in most casinos, and may result in a player being banned from the premises if caught. In addition, even if a player is able to gain a small edge through these techniques, the house edge (i.e., the statistical advantage that the casino has over the player) typically remains in the casino’s favor in the long run. So while edging may be possible in some cases, it is generally not a reliable or sustainable way to win at a casino.
Source: YouTube

Does he mean hedge? 😂