Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:
There’s online blackjack where you play against a real life dealer, but there’s also digital blackjack where the computer is the dealer!
Everybody is always suspicious of this online blackjack being rigged, since technically the computer could put out whatever cards it wants to win, versus a real person pulling cards out of a shoe.
#blackjack #strategy #rigged
Source: YouTube
I always thing that is rigged hahaha good one! toalla9801 :v
Broo great! zhelerio sends you love 😀
F you lose money :(((( good luck on the next one 🙂 patriciapagnotta
Good video, hope you go on with this!, love ya user – nicotinax!
i love BJ
user.- Drillo
twitch.- crdrillo06
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YOOPO GOOD VIDEO BBY twitch: martin69231 kyharrmartin
Lets gooo bro, salmoneta my twitch, salmonkyhar roo
Good luck today!!
Twitch and Roo are both thi3v3
Never even tried blackjack on roo yet