Advanced Blackjack Card Counting

Blackjack Tips Information & Video Source:

Moviemakerjjcasino’s John Stathis
describes how to win using a 8/9 side-count strategy at 6/8 deck blackjack . More 8’s and 9’s cause the dealer to bust more often. Doubling down on 10 or 11 produces more winners with more eights or nines remaining. A tip is shown on how to use a foot and fingers to calculate the amount of 8’s/9’s. An eight or nine should occur every 6.5 cards.

Source: YouTube

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Advanced Blackjack Card Counting

5 thoughts on “Advanced Blackjack Card Counting

  1. So, what you are saying is if there is for example two packs left and there are like and 32 8's and 9 it is an advantage for the player. Would this not help the dealer as well.

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