Blackjack Tips Information & Video Source:
Moviemakerjjcasino’s John Stathis
describes how to win using a 8/9 side-count strategy at 6/8 deck blackjack . More 8’s and 9’s cause the dealer to bust more often. Doubling down on 10 or 11 produces more winners with more eights or nines remaining. A tip is shown on how to use a foot and fingers to calculate the amount of 8’s/9’s. An eight or nine should occur every 6.5 cards.
Source: YouTube
Thanks for sharing. :))
Awesome video, thanks!
So, what you are saying is if there is for example two packs left and there are like and 32 8's and 9 it is an advantage for the player. Would this not help the dealer as well.
Why'd you get rid of the rest of the video?
Have you ever read and implemented Uston APC in million dollar black jack?