Blackjack Tips Information & Video Source:
Rob talks about a few different builds for the Blackjack mech in BattleTech.
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►Destiny 2 –
►For Honor Year 2 –
►What is Battletech? In the game, the player assumes the role of a mercenary commander leading a team of powerful combat vehicles called battlemechs. The player is responsible for selecting each mech’s model, armor, pilot, armaments, and skills, and controls a team of four mechs (a ‘lance’) in combat. The world of BattleTech is dominated by powerful noble houses locked in a devastating war, and the player selects one or more houses to serve.
The game shares a setting with the board game that launched the BattleTech franchise, Classic BattleTech, and many members of the development team have worked on previous games in the franchise. This includes both of the studio’s co-founders; Jordan Weisman created the franchise while at FASA, and Mitch Gitelman was the producer for MechCommander and MechAssault.
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Steam: Gooner492 Gooner492
Origin: Gooner492_JGR
Source: YouTube

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Only got one Lance so far, but Just put my blakjack in storage, replaced it with a Jaegermech, it did great in the one mission i've played with it.
I just started the game a few days ago and am blowing through the early game. Two Missile Boats + 2 people to punch holes in 'mechs with PPC's or AC/2 | 5's lay waste to Lances several times bigger than my own and the missile boats can stand so far away that they can sometimes out-range opposing LRM carriers. Called Shot Mastery + Vanguard for the Front Line & Called Shot Mastery + w/e for the Missile Boats. I've cored almost every enemy mech I've come across and almost always they show up as salvage. I don't know how damage + salvage are related but it hasn't let me down so far. If something is too dangerous to approach Sensor Lock + LRM boat volley's are good enough to soften the target up until it interacts with my front line where they just core the mech anyway.
Finally been able to see this video (no way to see or download it on mobile).
Oddly, I am fine with stock Blackjack: if anything, is not a mech to put in frontline, and always keep an eye on overheat. But if you place it in a lake, you can continuosly Alpha Strike with a grin on your face.
I'd like to see more personal builds
I had luck to find AC10++(+stb dmg, +crit?) early game, refitted the BJ to a "centurion lite" build: AC10(2ammo) + 3ML. It wrecks mechs harder than the stock build. Good firepower, good heat.
The Federated Suns actually have a variant of the Blackjack in lore that I built in game and enjoy. Two LL, two ML, 4 JJ, 7 HS and 7.5 armor. Keep it in the rear with the beer.
i slapped 4 PPC+ on my blackjack and alot of heatsinks with two jump jets and i could one shot 90 T assaults with it
thanks for the great video please make more personal builds
I normally use 4 Medium lasers, 2 Small lasers with max armor and jump jets with the rest of the space filled with heat sinks. Its heat stable and you can repeatedly alpha strike for 100-140 depending if your small lasers are in range. If you jump max distance land in woods with max armor and having bulwark up your untouchable. You just keep jumping around alpha striking mechs in the back picking them off one at a time.